Before adding your miner to exception list upload it to Virus Total and check the program.Download the miner from links that you find on official website, bitcoin talk forum and GitHub page. Never ever download miners from unknown websites.Instead keep it in your personal laptop, PC, cold storage or hardware wallet. Do not store your wallet details and other private information in your mining computers.

Then we’ll see how to unblock and add exception to miner software. First of all let’s see why your miner program is getting blocked or removed by Anti-virus software. Also before posting a guide we do thorough research and we never ever share links to unreliable sources. The miner program which you suggested seem to have virus, are you sure its false positive? Yes, they are false positive. My miner program getting shut down by Anti-Virus. I downloaded this miner and I can’t find it now. In most of these miner guides we have people stating that my miner program is blocked by Anti-Virus. Going from explaining the features of the coin to setting up the wallet to configuring the miner program and then getting started with the mining.

When we publish a mining guide we tend to explain the coin’s aspect and the benefits of mining it. As our main intention is to tutor new users who are entering the crypto world all our guides are comprehensive. We’ve been recently posting several crypto mining guides.